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How Soon Does Hair Fall Out After Laser Hair Removal?

How Soon Does Hair Fall Out After Laser Hair Removal?

Sam Garst Sam Garst
7 minute read

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After laser hair removal, when does hair fall out? You should expect shedding between 5 days and 2 weeks after a laser hair removal session, as the targeted hairs work their way out of the damaged follicles. 

If you’ve already decided on laser hair removal as your method of choice for unwanted hair, you’ve probably heard about shedding. 

It’s not something to freak out about. Shed happens. 😉

There are a few reasons you might not notice shedding.

Laser hair removal works best for hairs at the beginning of the hair growth cycle. The same is true for IPL treatments, an at-home option that’s just as effective as traditional laser hair removal. You’ll need a series of treatments to get that permanent hair removal you crave.

If you’re not shedding immediately after treatment, that’s normal. Stay the course. Let’s explore why some hair is peskier than others and the quirky science behind how it all works.

The hair is still there — what now?

Does hair fall out after one laser treatment? Hair does fall out after one laser treatment for many people, but it doesn’t happen immediately. 

Each treatment session hits just 15% of the hair in the treated area. This isn’t a knock-on laser hair removal or IPL treatment; it’s just how the different phases of hair regrowth work. Only approximately 15% of your hair follicles are in the anagen (growing) phase at any given time. The anagen phase is when unwanted hair is primed for removal. 

Laser and IPL treatments can be partially effective during other stages, like the catagen (transition) or telogen (resting) phase. 

If hair doesn’t fall out after laser hair removal, those follicles may have survived that round of treatment. It could also mean the laser hair removal is working just as it should.

Wait, what?

Stick with us for a second. You're hitting hair follicles at the root during laser hair removal to target your unwanted hair. It takes time for light to damage those follicles to the point of no return.

What you’re seeing may not even be new hair growth. It may be the follicle pushing treated hairs out in their last dying breaths.

You also can’t hit every hair follicle with a single treatment. Most people need 4-6 initial treatment sessions and maintenance sessions every few months to get lasting results. 

What is the average time before hair growth after laser hair removal? The average time before hair regrowth after an initial round of laser hair removal is a few days to a few weeks. At the end of a course of treatment, some people remain hair-free for years.

Your treatment plan and how long your results last will depend on the body part you target, your hormones, your hair color, and even your skin type.  

Remember to be patient with yourself and your treatment areas while on your journey to permanent hair removal. 

When can I shave after the treatment?

When to shave after your treatment depends on what’s happening with the treated area. 

If you notice any redness or skin irritation, both possible but uncommon side effects of laser hair removal, wait a few days until your skin calms down before shaving. To soothe irritated areas, try The Reviver. It’s is a cooling gel that helps mellow out your skin, made just for people who use at-home laser hair removal devices.

What is the best way to remove the hair after laser hair removal? The best way to remove the hair after laser hair removal is shaving. Avoid hair removal methods that pull out hair at the root, like waxing, threading, or plucking. Resist that urge to tweeze!

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How can I speed the laser hair removal process up?

Speed up shedding after laser hair removal by gently exfoliating the treated area every couple of days. Use an exfoliating cleanser like The Revealer a few times a week to help things along. It’ll give you the added benefit of overall skin rejuvenation while cleaning up shedding hair.

What else can I do to speed up the shedding process? You can speed up the shedding process by following these additional tips: 

  • Be kind to your skin. Moisturize with a gentle lotion. Hydrate. Quit touching the treated area. Embrace a gentle approach when caring for the body parts you’re targeting for hair removal.
  • Stay out of the sun. Hey, bronze goddess! Sun exposure and tanning make your skin more sensitive and mess with your skin tone. Wear sunscreen if you have to be outside.
  • Avoid tanning beds, too. Is this even still a thing? Skip self-tanning lotions while you’re at it. Laser hair removal and IPL work by targeting the melanin, or pigment, in the follicles. A contrast, like dark hair with lighter skin, makes it easier for devices to “see” the hair. 
  • Stick to the plan. This is not the treatment option for immediate results. Follow the advice for the recommended number of sessions. Take deep breaths if you feel like it’s all taking too long. (It isn’t, considering we’re talking about throwing away your razor… forever!

Once shedding starts, it can continue for weeks after your treatment. We’re not saying you’ll need to worry about leaving a pile of hair in your wake every time you get off the couch, but light shedding throughout your treatment plan is expected.

Will my hair grow back?

Your hair can grow back after laser hair removal and IPL treatments, especially if you’ve only had a few sessions. It can take several weeks for the hair to grow back after treatment. Any treated hair that does grow back is typically much sparser. 

How often you schedule treatment or use your at-home device depends on your personal rate of hair regrowth. Some body parts grow hair more rapidly than others. The hair on your legs grows slower than areas affected by hormones, like the bikini area.

As you continue with your sessions, expect up to 80% hair removal by the end of your treatment. We’re talking about permanent hair removal and reduction.

Are you picturing a mustache-free upper lip right now? We love that for you.

Are laser hair removal or IPL home treatments a faster approach?

Laser hair removal, electrolysis, and IPL at-home treatments are effective at permanently removing and reducing unwanted hair. How quickly you shed those dead hairs varies no matter what hair removal method you choose. 

We’ve gone into all of that already. Every person is different. It’s like every one’s hair regrowth is on its own journey.

At-home IPL is a painless, cost-effective way to remove hair permanently from unwanted places. It’s more gentle than in-salon laser treatments but works just as well, even when sessions in your jammies feel like you’re cheating.

Try The Flasher 2.0 today. If you’re not seeing the results you want within 8 weeks, we’ll send your money right back. We’re that confident and want you to be, too. 

Follow us on Instagram for more info, including tips on where The Flasher works best.

Hint: It’s basically everywhere hair grows.

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  1. Laser assisted hair-removal
  2. Light-based home-use devices for hair removal: Why do they work and how effective they are?

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